Question asked by Confuse
On the taking trance video rinpoche have mention that we must be careful that some of the trances are not real. Because spirits are able to transform themselves and act exactly like the buddha. In short spirits are able to transform themselves whatever they want including Buddhas, hence the buddha that we see May not necessary be real. From here we have know that spirits have the ability to copy the buddha in terms of form. Can spirits copy the buddha in terms of sound also such as mantras? Example, let say we have a third eye and we saw buddha appear, the buddha that we see May not be real it might be a spirit who are able to cheats us on sight. now if we recite mantras which is the sound that represent of certain energy by the buddhas, can the spirits copy that energy? Or copy the mantra and produce different energy (the spirit own energy). If we look at a basic level it is impossible that spirits can cheats us through buddha mantras but can you explain more a little bit, I was quite blur, I did have the idea was impossible, but I can't find the logical reasoning behind it. Besides, if u mention that it is impossible because the source of the mantra are from three eons of virtue practice of the buddha and it also are the heart essence of the buddha, then y the spirit are able to copy the form of the buddha where it also requires also three eons to have that kind of body and the body are also emanated from the heart? Which means both sight and sound of the buddha have the same holy source but y sight are being able to be duplicate by spirit and y sound(mantras) are not?
Dear Confuse,
That’s a very interesting question. If a spirit can imitate a Buddha’s form, I don’t see why it can’t also imitate the sound in terms of mantra in order to trick people. So yes, a spirit can appear as the form of a Buddha, and it can even speak like Buddha, it can imitate Buddha’s words, it can recite mantra and pretend to give a person the mantra. The mantra itself, no matter who gave it be it a demon or a saint, has holy power. So even if a evil spirit give you a mantra, and provided that it is a valid mantra of a Buddha, not one that it created itself, then if you recite it, you will still gain the blessing and power of the mantra, simply because the mantra itself is Buddha’s mantra and it is holy and has great positive power.
What we have to be concerned with is more about what the spirit asks us to do afterwards, it may ask us to make offerings to it, or it may ask us to go harm somebody, etc. and these are what we have to be careful about.
A real Buddha’s mantra, even if it is recited by a evil spirit, it can only bless the spirit, and it cannot be contaminated by the spirit’s energy. So when a spirit copy a real Buddha’s mantra, hearing the mantra can only gives positive blessing simply because of the power of the mantra itself, not who recited it.
I give you an example, a person can imitate Picasso’s painting, and even come close to 100% exactly, but nobody will call him Picasso, and nobody will pay the same price for his painting, simply because he is not Picasso. Similarly, a spirit can appear exactly like a Buddha’s image, and recite the Buddha’s mantra perfectly, but it doesn’t mean it embodies the quality of the Buddha’s mind, it cannot imitate the mind of the Buddha. The spirit is just an impostor, so we have to be careful about our so-called “visions of Buddhas” or “hearing the Buddhas” or “the Buddha speaks to me” kind of things.
Hope this helps, it is my pleasure to share with you.
Thank you.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow