Question asked by David B.
Dear Rinpoche, I read with interest your wish to found a Buddhist university, and although this is obviously a distant dream, I would like to help if I can. Could you be more specific about what kind of educational program you have in mind? Also, you must be aware that there already exist a number of Buddhist universities (Naropa, for example), and of course it is possible to study Buddhism at many secular universities (such as the University of Virginia). What would distinguish your university from these? If you like, I could write a little report for you giving some necessary background information on issues such as accreditation.
Dear David,
Thank you for your interest.
1. I would like something similar to Naropa but in the East as we don’t have anything here at this time as far as I know.
2. I would like our University’s focus not to be acquiring knowledge for gaining wealth and livelihood but more as a way of life and hence lifelihood would fall into place naturally.
3. Our University should focus on creating students that will make a difference in the world and they end up practicing towards self transformation not just work in a career as a result of their degree and make money, pay bills and then it becomes no different than any other ppl who take from the earth and do not give back.
4. I would like our university to open inner awareness. Learning towards spiritual/psychological growth. Growth, acceptance, learning towards inner balance/enlightenment.
5. I would love to have section of the courses to be very holistic in nature such as healing, vegetarian cooking, global warming, animal care, yoga, Tai chi, TMC, etc…
Those are some ideas I have for this University. I thank you. TR