Question asked by Demian
Which mantra of the 5 principal forms of Dojre Shugden is:
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shatroo Maraya Pet?
And for the mantra of Wangze, is it:
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Wangsha Guru Om?
For the mandala of Dorje Shugden, where would Tsiu Marpo, Methar, Setrap, the routines of the 5 principal forms of Dorje Shugden(not counting the 9 dakinis, 8 guiding monks, and 10 wrathful youth. Like where would Wangze's entourage go), Bamo Sum sisters, and the routines of Setrap and Tsiu Marpo go?
Which elements are the 5 Dhayani consorts associated with or are they associated with the same as their husbands?
Who is answering this question today?
Dear Demian,
Thank you for your questions. I have answered your questions below:
The mantra of: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SHATROO MARAYA PHET is a general mantra of Dorje Shugden. It is mantra for destroying enemies. ‘Enemies’ here is not actually referring to an outer being but rather our inner enemies, which is our karma/delusions and also the negative circumstances they cause.
As for the mantra of Wangze, H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche has taught that the mantra is recited OM BENZA WIKI BITANA WANGSHA GURU OM. You can find this in the Wangze blogpost here:
In regards to the mandala of Dorje Shugden, Setrap is above Dorje Shugden and the other deities. He is together with his entire entourage, and above Setrap is Buddha Amitabha. As for the entourage of the primary emanations, their entourage surrounds them. Kache Marpo and Namkha Barzin, are just outside of the main mandala. Kache Marpo would have the Methar and Shangmo Dorje Putri (one of the Bamo Sum) as part of his entourage that surrounds him. You can see a short video about the Mandala here: (note it does not talk about Methar and Shangmo Dorje Putri, who in Kache Marpo’s entourage).
The elements associated with the consorts of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas conforms to the Dhyani Buddhas themselves. See below:
Buddha Vairocana – Consort Dharmadhatvishvari – Space element.
Buddha Akshobya – Consort Lochana – Water element.
Buddha Amitabha – Consort Pandara – Fire element
Buddha Ratnasambhava – Consort Mamaki – Earth element.
Buddha Amoghasiddhi – Consort Tara – Air element.
Today the Ask the Pastors section is being answered by Pastor Niral Patel.
I hope this helps. Thank you.