Question asked by Demian
Who is Dorje Namjom? I have been finding him to be the Green Vajrapani and very similar to Vajrapani. However, what are his benefits of his water practice and how does one reach enlightenment through him?
What are your views of the True Buddha School Net which mixes Taoism, Vajrayana Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism? I have heard that they offer Kalachakra initiation, but I don't know how that's possible if their founder(whom they claim is a Buddha) never has received it. Especially with rituals to Rahula and Dorje Legpa.
What are the mantras of Palden Lhamo's retinue? And do ascended masters exist?
I took a numerology and then a Tibetan astrology test here. However, I found very different outcomes. In numerology, it said my recent past life was a tyrant while the Tibetan one said a red deer. Which is correct?
Dear Demian,
Thank you for your questions. Dorje Namjom is a Buddha associated with purification. The Dorje Namjom water practice is specifically associated with purification of negative karma, especially in relation to physical problems. This practice is known as the Chabtru Puja, and is known to cure paralysis, strokes, skin disorders and many very severe problems. Although, as a fully enlightened Buddha, Dorje Namjom can lead you to enlightenment, the water practice is specially to purify negative karma that is the cause for various problems.
I cannot comment on the True Buddha School because I do not know much about them. Generally speaking however, within Buddhist practice it is best to keep to a particular lineage, rather than mixing them together, this is because it becomes very easy to get confused, as each lineage will have different ways of explaining the teachings and concentrate on different deities, etc.
There are many forms of Palden Lhamo and some of them have mantras for her retinue. However in the one face, and two armed form, which is the form most commonly practiced it does not included mantras to her retinue. In this form the main mantra also covers both Palden Lhamo and retinue. I hope this helps.
Thank you.