Question asked by Dessert flower
Rinpoche has said in his "Divination" teaching that two solutions are possible after a divination – One is through Puja and second is through personal prayer. How is one solution chosen over the other – ie, why in some cases a puja is recommended to 'solve' one issue but not personal prayer.
When one's karma has ripened, beside prayer and puja, what else one can do? To accept it? Let it fizzle off by itself? Any better ways to rise up?
Is karma fixed? Will it change at all for one's life time?
Dear Dessert flower,when we do pujas we usually invoke/tap into the power of the holy beings to help us. A personal prayer creates the cause for subsequent actions and effects to happen and ultimately the results.The Lama or master through their clairvoyance will know which is more suitable.
We can’t do much when karma ripens, we can only reduce our experience of it. We have to do purification daily to prevent more Karma from past lives and immediate past from ripening.It is better than accepting it and doing nothing about preventing more of the same from happening.Holding our refuge vows is one good way to directly oppose negative karma.
Karma is fixed if we do nothing about it and continue our habits.But if we change our views and selfish habits ,our life will transform for the better as the causes have been changed.