Question asked by Dessert Flower
Ho w can I help elderly people, like my mother for instance, to gain more merits and to have good rebirth in their next life.
In the case of my mother, for instance, she has been praying sincerely to various deities (GuanYin, Ta Beh Goh, DiChu, TienGong and the ancestors) for many years. There is a mix of both Buddishm and Taoism apparently. She is a full time housewife, illiterate and I would say know nothing more about Dharma.
My question is: what are the actions/things that she can do to gain more merits for her present and next lives?
This is a situation that is pretty common for older generation, I believe it is good to know more about this so that I/we can help elderly people.
Thank you.
Dear Dessert Flower,
1.Tell your mom , it is quality not quantity. Reciting Quan Yin mantra well daily with strong faith is more than enough.She is a Buddha, the highest refuge. There is no need for other refuge.
2.If she can ,tell her to look at image of Quan Yin and visualize Quan Yin so she plant holy seed in her mind.
3.Do animal liberation.
4.Sponsor dharma activities,printing of scriptures, offer time to help in temples, dharma centres, offer dana to monks etc
5. Dedicate the merit from good things you do every day to her to gain wisdom and have good rebirth to meet dharma at young age.
She may or may not be able to do all of above. It is ok if she just do what she is willing and able to do.