Question asked by diwa
Good morning Pastors! I hope you are all healthy and doing great.
I just have a question and hope that you can help me.
My family and I are born Catholic so it is impossible for me to set up an altar for dorje shugden, not even in my room. My Parents will be very very angry. So my question is, Is it okay for the meantime to visualize dorje shugden then say his mantra many times? I swear this is the easiest way for me not to get caught by my parents. So by just saying dorje shugden mantra can he be my dharma protector or altar is really needed? Thanks, hope you helps me. stay safe you all.
Dear Diwa,
Thank you for your question. Yes it is permissible just to visualise Dorje Shugden if it is not feasible for you to have an altar. Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being and as such would not want you to have negative experiences with your family. On the contrary, when we practice Dorje Shugden, we should have more harmony with our family, even if their faith differs from our own.
That being said, please remember to respect the wishes of your family. They practice their religion in a certain way, and as Buddhists, we are taught to respect the beliefs and faith of others even if it does not match our own. At the core of all religions is compassion hence we should be respectful.
Though you cannot set up an altar to Dorje Shugden since you engage in his practice, there is nothing wrong since it is due to your current circumstances. Perhaps in the future, if your circumstances change, you will be able to set up an altar as you wish to do.
Reciting his mantra and engaging in his practice without an altar is still beneficial. If you consider him to be your Dharma Protector, then he will be. Even just thinking about Dorje Shugden calls upon his enlightened energies. So simple visualising and engaging in mantra recitation is still beneficial, even if you don’t have a physical altar. I hope this helps.