Question asked by Dongho
I have been searching for a root guru when I came across the Ewam Choden website that is part of the Sakya lineage. I was finding a lama that offered White Saraswati practice and empowerment along with her other forms and retinue of the 12 Tenma and 5 Mount Everest Sisters of Long Life. I called Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche and managed to contact him. After asking him a few questions on lineage, the Sakay mantras, and all that on the phone, the call ended. However, for some reason, I had this "cleansing" feeling in my mind as though it was healing and cleansing water instead of goosebumps that I usually have during meditation. What is that sign? Is that a sign that he is my root guru from either karmic connection or whatever? If so, I am planning to take refuge in him. The other lamas I called didn't have any affect in me. Is this an actual sign of a root guru?
Dear Dongho,
Thank you for your question. I am sorry but I do not know much about Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche or the Sakya lineage for that matter. In regards to knowing who your root guru is, yes this could be the case due to your feelings. When some people come across their root guru, then they can indeed have a physical feeling, but this is far and few in-between. More importantly however, is to have ensure that the guru is qualified, that their teachings match the Buddhadharma in general and those of the lineage in particular. Choosing a root guru is an important step, therefore one should thoroughly check what the guru teaches is correct, and that you have an affinity with the guru, before you formally take steps to become the guru’s student, such as formally taking refuge or taking initiation (which itself necessarily involves taking refuge in the guru). I hope this helps.
Thank you.