Question asked by Eli Levine
Dear Pastors,
A follow up to my last question: how does one effectively balance being a real Dharma practitioner while maintaining a secular job and lifestyle? We can't all be monks and nuns, after all in order to ensure that Dharma can be realized and practiced effectively by everyone and anyone. How can I, as a lay practitioner who wishes to bring the Essence of Dharma into all secular aspects of society, starting with the government, accomplish this task? Would you be willing to act as my guides while I attempt this? How can I consult with teachers and the Sangha when I don't have any such connections?
Hoping you can help. Your advice was most excellent. Thank you! 🙂
Dear Eli Levine,
For lay practitioners, it is recommended that they divide their time in this way: 50% for the Dharma and 50% for their secular life. Your desire to bring Dharma into all aspects of society is commendable. But we still think that a practitioner should have a qualified spiritual guide who can help him to overcome his delusions and transform his mind. Before you can help others to practise the Dharma, you yourself must have walked the path. With knowledge, experience and insight, you will be better equipped to help others. We strongly recommend that you look for a guru. You can check out the Dharma centres near your home. Good luck to you.