Question asked by Elsie Toy
Dear Pastors
I was taught to do water offerings from left to right and when clearing the offerings we need to clear it from right to left. May I know the significance of this practice of clearing from right to left. I have asked some seniors but was not given an answer so I am writing to you to seek help for better understanding. I hope by doing so we can share the knowledge and benefit others as well.
Thank you very much.
Dear Elsie,
It is possible that in Tibet, the art of offering water comes from its culture and the custom of offering from left to right. It is similar to the art of tea offering in China. It is just a very polite way of serving the guests whom you want to treat like a VIP. So the practice is the same when offering water to the Buddhas. You are like a servant serving your master or the king.
I’ve not come across any explanation regarding the way water offerings should be cleared. Usually, the instruction is, when we clear, it is from right to left. It could also be part of the local custom. I’ve heard this question being asked before and the reply was, it is not important. So, Elsie, there is no need to worry about how the water is cleared as long as our intention or motivation is sincere.