Question asked by Elsie Toy
Dear Pastors, Good morning, I writing to you with a heavy heart and seeking your advice on what I can do for my eldest sister. 30 years my eldest sister had breast cancer and has mastectomy done. Now she has bone cancer and on chemotherapy. I met with her 2weeks ago and saw a growth in her eye and she told that was just another cancer cell growing. I am very sad cos there is not much I do to relieve her of what she is going through. She is a christian and we would not doing any of the practices. Is there anything I can do for her other then a medicine buddha puja and praying for her dedicate merits to her. Appreciate your advice.
Dear Elsie,
I’m sorry to learn about your sister’s illness. As a Buddhist yourself, you must know that this is due to her karma, the result of actions in this life or in previous lives. Whether the illness can be cured or not with medicine and treatment also depends on karma. Doing Medicine Buddha pujas or having pujas done for your sister in a monastery will help a lot. Cancer is usually due to negative karma of the body. It is recommended that she does animal liberation as well as other compassionate activities like donating to animal shelters, and other charities that save lives, for example cancer centres etc. Encourage your sister to do her Christian prayers and show compassion for others by helping or sponsoring charitable organisations.