Question asked by gopinath
Good evening , currently i m doing Sengdongma mantra daily. can i add on Dzambala mantra without any daily puja or water pouring ? can i mentally visualise ? if yes what am i to visualise when i chant dzambala mantra. I also chant manjusri mantra randomly during my daily work and during activity like jogging and so on , is it ok to do that ? Thank you
Dear Gopinath,
You can add the Dzambala mantra if you wish. According to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, “when we do Dzambala’s practice, we extricate ourselves from emotional and physical miserliness. As you recite, visualise or meditate on the ills of miserliness, greed, and selfishness and think about the consequences of only taking, not giving, and not sharing. Think about the people you’ve hurt due to miserliness and selfishness and say, “I’ll purify the karma that has not allowed me to be materially and spiritually wealthy.”
Yes, it is all right to recite Manjushri’s mantra as you go about your daily duties.