Question asked by His(se Galama)
Dear Tsem Rinpoche, So much questions arose from your mind.. Can you this-can you that..selektiviness.. If normally this.. if normally that hm. selektiviness..
I tell you what: Take a look again to the poem (Beautiful hudge statue, suddenly came across), And see please if the name of the horse after being awakened better should be changed in: NOBLENESS (instead of AwakenedOne). Would the poem be more Zen Then, Your Highness Tsem, dear brother? If You think it is, then change that line please with my permission, we then sighn the poem as a coorporation let them print and sell them (piece /peace of art, by Rinpoche and His. The money that comes from these we sent to the institutions that fight for rescuing bears from bearhellfarms in China. I have more art to offer for this purpose if you like. So that is my question: will you take a look at that poem please and also help with selling art for the bears that His wants to free out of there inhuman situations, up there in China, for their bile.. you know that we MUST stop that.
Kind regards, take care,
Dear friend, Thanks for your wish to stop bear bile production. TR