Question asked by James Tan
Dear Rinpoche, I heard that 'schism' is one of the 5 most heinous crimes. If there are many around us who have a chronic case of schismatic speech, how can we help them? Yes, I do agree that we should always transform ourselves and then in turn help others… However, there are times when their schismatic speech can potentially create an immense amount of harm. How should we go about it? Also what are the karmic implications towards those type of people? I see so much hate towards people over the internet as well. People who probably don't even know each other in real life! Are there heavy karmic implications towards those sort of people spreading hate over something intangible like the internet?
Dear James,
Schism created within the Sangha is a heinous act, but general schism although very bad is not classified as heinous. Nevertheless to be avoided. Wherever there is jealousy, anger and attachment, schism will arise. Seeing schism should inspire us to do more with our own minds, control our own speech and bring happiness to others. When you see suffering, use that as inspiration to do more and develop further.
Some karmic results will be lonliness, not finding company, a partner, true friends, having a mind that cannot trust anyone and always being on edge. Always suspicious and creating an atmosphere of unhappiness where they go.
There’s nothing you can do about others’s speech, just be patient and do not be a part of it. I understand where you are coming from. Thanks. Tsem Rinpoche