Question asked by jason
my mother who is a so called " buddhist" but really a spirit worshiper is against me practicing buddhism. when i was doing gaden lhagyama and other mantras in my room she keeps telling me to stop and that i am an extremist for doing my practice she also does not like me going to dharma teacheings . when doing my practice i always do it in such a way that it is low volume and respectful to others . she thinks that i'm entering darkness( Chinese phrase) . how do i deal with it , i already do my practice in secret (my room) , during walks in the park, and there no place that i i practice because i live in a very close nit community and every body knoes everybody…. i can't even use my mala with out looks of worry
Dear Jason,
Your story sounds very familiar. Have you read H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s biography? His parents also did not like him practising Buddhism and he had to practise secretly in his room. Be inspired by Rinpoche’s example and do not be discouraged by the behaviour of others. But at the same time be respectful to your family members, friends etc. and be kind to them. In time, they will see the positive change in you and will support you and your practice. Continue to learn from Rinpoche’s teachings, understand and practice from your understanding. Remember that you can’t change others, but you can change yourself to be a better person and to be of benefit to others.