Question asked by Jason
my parents found my buddha picture and got very mad .my father said that if he found me doing mantras or making offerings that he wouldnever talk to me ever again. They took the picture and my lama tsongkhapa guru yoga book and locked it away. i just dont know what to do they say that they are buddhists but i say that they treat the triple gems like spirit only asking for blessings and when done send them away. please give me some advice i can't do anything at home and there are no secret spots to hide away and they even dislike that i go to the temple and the only reason they dont yell at my guru is that they dont know where the temple is.
Jason, respecting our parents is very important and I can tell from your message that you are concern and worried as you do not wish to disobey your parents but yet, continue with your spiritual practice. I’m sorry to hear that your precious holy items were confiscated. Do remember that the Buddha is in your heart and no one can take that away. Now, if you can’t have prayer books around, but i see you are able to send this message off tells me that you have access to a computer. Continue to study from this blog site. There is a prayer section and buddha image section also which you can have access to for now. Do continue to do your prayers and have compassion in your heart always for your parents and everyone. Pray to Setrap to help clear obstacles and that you can openly practice one day.