Question asked by Jason Chau
Om Svasti, Homage to the unconquerable Buddha, The unexcelled holy Dharma, and the stainless sangha but above all homage to the root lama.
Homage to the root lama who is the unified essence of the inner and outer triple gems. He who is one with the Buddha the dharma and sangha. He who encompasses the root of all blessings of the lineage masters. He who is one with the yidam and thus the root of accomplishments. He whose actions are the life breath of the Khandroma and therefore the root of enlightened activities of the thus gone ones.
Homage the holy root lama whose wisdom is like that of a shining sword which cuts through the darkness and filth of samsara. By his razor-like wisdom, all chain of gold and black iron are broken, and the prison doors of cyclic existence are smashed asunder. Homage to the holy master who holds the perfection of wisdom close to his heart. Oh holy lama by your wisdom and guidance, may wisdom, logic, meditation, and understanding increase in those who are under your care.
Homage the holy root lama whose compassion is uncontested, who holds all sentient beings like a mother holding her child, may we always abide and sit at your knee, continuously receiving the holy dharma. Oh, holy lama whose compassion is stainless like a white lotus by your example may we too develop unstained compassion. You who are, in essence, the unsurpassable wish-granting jewel whos blessing grants all siddhi, may we gain the attainment of bodhicitta through your examples which are as numerous as the repetitions of mantra on your mala.
Homage the holy root lama whose immutable power, merit and sadhana cause the most pervasive and malignant outer, inner and secret obstacles to be entirely eradicated at the root. Oh, unassailable holder of the vajra, whose blazing thunderbolt smashes into dust-motes the body and speech of all of hindering foes, by your force and power may all outer, inner and secret enemies who torment us pupils and attendants never succeed. Great master of skillful means, whose actions tame even the most difficult of minds, please remain with us.
Noble (lo) pandit whose body, speech and mind (sang ) radiate great (dam) compassion and wisdom, may you continually spread the dharma (choe). May all hindering spirits who harm us, obstructive conditions, and in short, every enduring inauspiciousness, be purified through your four actions of peace, increase, subjugation and destruction. Above all, may auspiciousness endure and may all those you come in contact with being guided through the ten stages of the bodhisattva.
The above praise mentions breaking the chains of gold and black iron, what does this mean?
Dear Jason Chau,
Thank you for your question. It is a very interesting one. Within Buddhism there is a common metaphor of describing samsara or cyclic existence as chains that we are bound by. Usually these chains are described in negative terms. The above prayer is special because it describes these chains are both gold and black iron.
Gold is obviously something that people desire, and in this case stands for everything that is desirable, and pleasurable. Black iron on the other hand was used to create chains and iron bars which were used in prison, therefore it symbolises suffering.
Therefore, in this prayer the meaning to break the gold chains and black iron chains means that the lama is the one who shows you how to overcome both the desire for all you crave for and all the hate and are repulsed by. They are known as the two extremes of samsara, and in effect is highlighting that it is the lama that shows you the middle way path as taught by the Buddha, which can lead you to enlightenment. I hope this helps.
Thank you.