Question asked by Jen
Dear Rinpoche,
If we were to join dharma, than later we felt it was too stressful for us and we decided to call it off to be a volunteer back, does this bring bad karma? There are times when we first join dharma we felt everything was so nice but than later as times goes by we get in touch with difficult people, unfriendly HOD and etc. In Rinpoche opinion what advice would you give to people who are in dharma and because of this sort of reasons decided to call it off?
Dear Jen,
Difficult people should inspire you to do more. To inspire you to realize if you do not practice the dharma well that we are left to our own devices. Seeing pain, anger, suffering should inspire you more to do dharma because we all have the karmic seeds latent within us to invite problems.
We will come across difficult people everywhere, and to quit because of them makes them win and you lose the wrong way. If you do dharma work and practice, you can benefit so many people in the future. So you will let a few people who upset you stop that? If you wanted to be a doctor, and you met a lecturer that didn’t fulfill your projections, you give up your study that could benefit and heal thousands in the future? For one person you give up everything? Doesn’t make sense. This is not about bad karma, but about adjusting our views and being patient. Do dharma work with no expectations. Only see if you yourself change and transform, not those around you.
I wish you luck.