Question asked by Jesse Wu
Dear Rinpoche, I've been dividing my daily sadhana recitation into three parts, in order to stay alert and keep it in my mind the whole day. I assume this is okay to do. My question is, should I be following any special order for the morning, afternoon, and evening recitations? For instance, I read that Gelugpa monks always recite Gaden Lhagyema in the morning. Are there any other guidelines like that to follow? The daily sadhana on your website is designed to be said all at once–what's the best way to divide it? Thank you for your advice, Rinpoche.
Dear Jesse Wu,
You may divide it up anyway you would like to make yourself comfortable. There is no hard and fast rules at this time for you. Generally Manjushri related practices are very good in the mornings. Higher tantric practices better at night. But you do it however you feel comfortable.
Good Luck, Tsem Rinpoche