Question asked by Jo
Dearest Tsem Rinpoche, How do we train ourselves to view everything as a manifestation of the deity to purify grasping and realize shunyata?
In maintaining the divine pride of our yidam , instead of visualizing the details of the deity is it alright to concentrate just on the deity's seed syllable?
Thank you so much Rinpoche and with sincere folded hands.
Dear Jo,
Your question is indeed profound and a profound lengthy answer is needed. But for now I will share this with you and hope it helps:
1. For your first question, the training is complete in any generation/completion stage practice of annutaratantra yidams. If you do any of the higher yidam practices, it will be included. You must study the commentary thoroughly and practice. If you practice according to the two stages then you will be able to grasp/see/perceive purity and also actual gross shunyata. Which is quite advanced.
2. Second question-to concentrate on just the seed syllable is fine right now, but do not hold to tightly to it for lengthy periods (more than ten mins at a time) as it will cause the subtle winds to gather and you might feel a tight/uncomfortable sensation in your chest area.
I wish you luck. Tsem Rinpoche