Question asked by John
Dear Pastors,
In new age terms some people talk about all of us having spirit guides that are assigned to us before our birth and they will guide and protect us for the duration of our lifetime. And they are there for us to consult when we need help or direction. However most of us do not have the ability to tune in directly to them and hence need the help of a professional intuitive.
Some of the spirit guides may be Angels, Nature Spirits, Ancestor Spirits, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Gods, Power Animals etc.
What is Buddhism's view on this? Is there a similar concept in Buddhism?
Thank you.
Dear John,
Thank you for your very interesting question. In Buddhism, such a concept does not exist. However, one can have what is known as a ‘karmic connection’ with certain beings, who can help you. ‘Karmic connection’ means that in a previous life, you had interacted with this being and created a connection through karma. In fact any form of interaction with another being, creates a karmic connection with them. In some cases this connection manifests in ways in which this person/being can be beneficial.
In some branches of Tibetan astrology. It is said that one is born with the karmic connection to certain beings and sometimes these beings can help us, usually in the form of protection from harm. But they can only help you if the karmic connection is kept in tact. The connection if broken when we engage in negative actions such as causing schism, cheating, lying, or not living a good life.
On a more accepted level, are the Dharma protectors. These are beings whose very function is to help practitioners with their spiritual paths by providing help in which ever way they can. From a practitioners side, we make a connection to them through the daily practice of their prayers. While most people cannot communicate with them directly, you can do so through an oracle, and also through forms of divination associated with the Dharma protector. I hope this helps. Thank you.