Question asked by kailash
SIr /Madam
I wish to know the correct sequence of colors of 7 Medicine Buddhas, as they are visualized during the Medicine Buddha Sadhana. I have read two slightly differing accounts on this and based on that my understanding of the colors fo medicine Buddhas , from bottom to top are. Blue(Bhaishjya Guru), Red (Abhijyaraj),Yellow / Golden/Pink (Dharmakirti Sagar), Pink / light red (Ashokotam Sri Raj), Pale Yellow / Golden (Suvarna Bhadra Vimal),Reddish Yellow/ Yellow (Svara Ghosha Raj), Yellow (Suparikirtita Nam Sriraj). Grateful if this point is clarified.I could not find the detailed Medicine Buddha Sadhana on the Blof.
According to the our lineage Medicine Buddha Sadhana, the sequence
of colors of the 7 Medicine Buddhas are as follows:
1) Blue (Bhaisajyaguru)
2) Coral ( Abhijyaraja)
3) Pink (Dharmakirtisagara)
4) Light red (Asokottamasriraja)
5) Golden (Suvarnabhadradravimala)
6) Yellow (Svaragosaraja)
7) Golden(Suparikirti-tanamasriraja)