Question asked by Kaleina
Hello, good evening. I would just want to ask a question. I am a buddhist and my fiancé is a Catholic. We are wanting to get married, my fiancé is fond that the wedding would be conducted in his Catholic church. In order to get married in the church, it is said that both groom and bride would have to be baptised to avoid complications. I am a strong buddhist and have taken refuge before this. Should I just convert to a Catholic for the sake of having to go through the complications then convert back into a buddhist? Can any advice be given for this situation. Awaiting your replies, thank you. Sincerely Kaleina.
Dear Kaleina,
It would be good if you could talk frankly with your fiance about your dilemma. Tell him the truth. Work it out together. Talk about whether you can still practise Buddhism after marriage. It is better not to do something rashly and regret later.