Question asked by Kaye
Dear Rinpoche, is there a reason why you always dress in full black from head to toe when you go out?
My sister used to visit a spirit medium who once told her that we should avoid dressing in all black or all white but instead should go with more vibrant colors as wandering spirits will tend to linger around people dressed in all black/white.
Might it be Rinpoche is intentionally attracting spirits to bless them?
Haha, I know, I am thinking funny.
I dress black and the same thing everyday is because I am not dressing for fashion, but for convenience. I don’t want to be attached to my clothes and how I look. I just want to wear the same thing, so my mind can be used for other things.
Black and white does not attract ghosts. Using specific means or being in areas where they exist will attract them.
There might be some ghosts who like the colors black or white, but it does not mean it is a general rule for all ghosts…thanks..