Question asked by kenny
i am a student, studying, and have been chanting the manjusri's mantra daily. i know mantras dont simply just work when we recite them, but we have to work hard ourselves too.
i was a lazy student before, and my results were terrible.
at one of my crucial years of study, i was expose to the dharma and also to manjusri's mantra. i brought a mandala and recite it everyday wholeheartedly. i never studied that hard in my whole dam life, and along with manjusri's mantra i tought i could do well with spiritual assistance.
still, the results were simply heart-breaking. what happen? im tearing apart, why wasnt my prayers answered?
-losing faith
Hi Kenny,
There are many factors why prayers sometimes appear to not work.We usually make a lot of assumptions. Did you really put in correct effort to study? If you had spent 10 % of time studying before, and even though its increased to say 50 % , there is still room to put more effort. How much result we get is how much effort we put in.
To invoke spiritual help ,our prayers must be as pure as possible and our intentions are sincere.You necessarily must have strong faith in the 3 jewels.Do you think you have the above qualities in your mind and heart? From the side of Buddha Manjushri’s mantra, it will have blessings, but if your mind has doubts and filled with worldly thoughts, you won’t be able to receive it.