Question asked by Kevin
Halo pastor! I have just finished my 2 day tsongkhapa retreat in my home. Here are some question I would like to ask.
– Can I do longer version( invocation, praises) to propitiate dorje shugden during retreat?
– Do I need to prepare new swastika and kusha grass every retreat? or I can reuse it.
– Do I have to do seperate torma offering to both lama tsongkhapa and dorje shugden? As it has only one in the retreat prayer text.
– Can I include other pratices like name recitation of Amitabha during Lama Tsongkhapa guru yoga? Before the dissolution and do I remain the visualisation of lama tsongkhapa and his two heart son on the cloud?
– Is dharma protector practise after guru yoga or before dissolution?
Thank You!!
Hi Kevin,
Regarding to the longer version of the Dorje Shugden prayers, including the longer invocation and praise, yes you can do that version for your retreat. But it should be consistent. So every day, you should do those prayers if you want to add them in.
You can reuse the swastika and kusha grass. There is no need for you to make and use a new one every time.
For the torma offering, just recite what is in the text, which is the torma to Lama Tsongkhapa. Even though we have the torma for Dorje Shugden on the altar, it’s not necessary to recite the torma offering specifically. Unless however, you would like to recite the separate torma offering to Dorje Shugden during the section of his prayers during your retreat. Then of course, you can recite.
Yes, you can include other practices during the retreat. In this case, finish the Guru Yoga section inclusive of the dissolution first. Then continue with Amitabha practice. Once you finish that, Lama Tsongkhapa reappears on top of your head, and you continue on to the Protector practice of Dorje Shugden.
In regards to the dissolution of Lama Tsongkhapa:
If you are only practising Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden, then once the main part of the Guru Yoga is finished, Lama Tsongkhapa comes to sit at the top of your head, facing the same direction as you are. Then you begin the Protector practice. After the protector practice has finished, you do the dissolution and then continue on with the completion dedication.
In you are including other practices, such as Amitabha. Then you do the Guru Yoga with the dissolution. Then move on to Amitabha practice. After that, Lama Tsongkhapa reappears on top of your head, and you continue with the Dharma protector practice. Once finished, Lama Tsongkhapa dissolves back in to you, here there is no need to recite the dissolutions prayers again, just visualise. Then continue with the completion dedication. I hope these answers help.