Question asked by Khang
Hello Pastors!
I have a question about Dharma Protectors:
If I'm not close to my Guru to ask for whose my main Dharma Protectors.
How can we know which Dharma Protectors is most connection with us without Guru nearby?
I had done Lord Dorje Shugden practice for long time know due to Lord Shugden is main protector of my Guru's monastery.
I don't know why but I have feeling connection to energies, blessings and guides from Lord Setrap.
Of course, I still keep my daily practices to Lord Shugden because he was the first Dharma Protectors that i knew through introduce from some monks is my Guru's disciples.
I knew that Lord Setrap practices is inclued already together with Lord Shugden but could i practice both of them separatedly?
I chanted mantras of Lord Shugden for long time but now, I want to change to chant mantra of Lord Setrap.
Is it possible?
Thank you so much.
Dear Khang,
Usually the guru will assign Dharma protectors to his students. Most of the time, the guru will assign one main Dharma protector as the Dharma Protector of their monastery or Dharma centre. So everyone who is part of that monastery/centre follows that practice. For example, Tsem Rinpoche assigned the Protector Dorje Shugden as the main Dharma Protector of Kechara, so all students engage in his practice daily.
As you know, Setrap is naturally included in Dorje Shugden’s practice. When you invoke upon Dorje Shugden, Setrap will come as well. Some people however feel that they have a close connection to Setrap as well. If you want to recite Setrap’s mantra, then you can recite the mantra after reciting Dorje Shugden’s mantra, then continue with the rest of the daily Dorje Shugden practice.
If you want to engage in Setrap’s full practice, you can do this also but in addition to your Dorje Shugden practice. However, if you want to replace your Dorje Shugden practice with Setrap’s practice, please contact the monks who originally introduced you to the practice. As you have explained, the practice was introduced to you by your guru’s disciples. Since you have a guru, we cannot recommend anything that replaces what his students have introduced to you. You should seek their advice. I hope this helps.