Question asked by Lav
I am interested in the Buddhist teachings and keen to learn more and meditate to purify bad karma and do good. Can I ask some silly questions. When we ladies have our monthly period, can we meditate? Is there still the saying that we cannot step into a temple while having that?
Before meditation, do we need to shower change new clothes and sit in somewhere clean…. I am sure I can meditate on a bus or while walking…. so my second question is directed when I am at home. Thank you so much!
Yes, there’s no restrictions to when you can practice meditation. It is common that in Tibetans in general and yogis do not shower as often due to the cold and harsh weather..therefore, you do not need to worry about changing new clothes before meditating.
However, as is taught in the Liberation in the Palm of your Hand ( it is good to keep your area of meditation clean as a purification practice.