Question asked by LCH
Tears come into my eyes and I start to cry every time I sit down to practice, at some point, either during the recitation of prayers, just sitting in the gompa, or during meditation. I have tried to reflect on what it is that causes me to do this and I have trouble pinpointing it. There is just a lot of emotion that wells up in me, a kind of intense gratitude towards my teachers and towards all the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas who have so selflessly devoted themselves to all sentient beings. Is this extreme emotionalism something I should try to quell? Or is it something that I should just be grateful for? It does sometimes interfere with my practices.
Just relax your mind by not focusing to much in your emotional up and down.I come across rinpoche Dharma talk about imprint in his blog.I hope you can read through it, will help you understand more about our mind.
The title is “You and your imprint”.