Question asked by Lee
Hello Pastors!
I have questions about Daily Sadhana Practices:
I saw a little bit different in the part of Protector practice in Short Daily Sadhana from and Diamond Path prayers book.
I saw from the website, It's without certain prayers from Diamond Path prayer book. Does it means something different from the text in website and DMP prayer book?
Thank you so much.
Dear Lee,
Thanks for your question. Thank you for noticing. The text provided on this website is a shorter form of the Sadhana. The Diamond Path prayer book is for daily use and includes 2 different versions of the prayers. All three are valid. You can engage in either one. The only difference is the length of the complete set of prayers, that is it.
Of course, the longer of the two versions in the Diamond Path is more effective when done daily than the other two as you are putting more of your time and effort into making a connection with Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden to benefit from their spiritual energies.
I hope this helps. Thanks.