Question asked by Liew
You've come such a long way to establish the largest Tibetan Centre in Malaysia. We are quietly amazed. I've come across people who will sometimes say harsh things about you/kechara/members/students. Just by the sheer fact they say negative things indicates they themselves put their centre to shame and their teachers to shame also. Is that what they learn at their centres? To put others down? They are a bad reflection of their teacher. Most of the time they are jealous of Kechara I feel. It does not turn me off one way or another. The people who speak negatively do not even know you or Kechara!!! I feel the fact they are talking about you indicates clearly you and Kechara are SOMETHING big and a force to contend with. I know it's not nice to speak so directly as a Chinese or Asian, but that is how I feel. But how do you deal with negative talk? Rumours?
Dear Liew,
Thank you for your words. I appreciate it very much.
I don’t deal with negative talk or rumours anymore. I joke about it with those around me and leave it. It is something that comes with the territory. I forgive and move on.