Question asked by Linda
Dear Pastors,
I just saw a previous question asked about getting refuge. Do I have to make it to Malaysia in order to receive refuge from H.E.? I am currently living in Italy. I have been doing the Short Daily Sadhana and other prayers for more than a year now.
At the end of the Daily Sadhana, there is the prayer, Dissolving Je Rinpoche into Ourselves. Is this enough to constitute that His Eminence is my Guru? Or will it have to wait until a face to face meeting to see if the student and Guru can brave the relationship? In short, I consider H.E. to be my Guru. I have no other. I am planning to visit and maybe live in Malaysia. I am preparing myself as much as possible to Buddhism. But I realize this has all happened through the Blog, not one face to face yet. Incredibly inspiring this wonderful Blog. I wish I were there with you all.
Dear Linda
Yes, you will need to be here in order to receive your refuge vows (orally) directly from Rinpoche. What you are doing now is very good. Technically, when you receive a person as your guru in your heart as you have, he is your Guru already. However, it is necessary to meet the Guru himself to create an even more powerful connection. I wish you all the best and may all obstacles be cleared that you will meet Rinpoche and receive your refuge vows, make offerings and receive teachings directly.