Question asked by Linda Ortolano
Dear Pastor Susan,
I read that you teach Lam Rim class. Could you please suggest to me where I should begin? I'm not sure whether to buy
the Lama Tsongkhapa condensed version, Lam rim Chenmo , read first Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, or the text spoken by Pabonka? I am very much a beginner.
My other question is in reference to clearing the water from the water offerings. I only have two small plants and I give some water to them but the remaining water- Could I give it to my pets, drink it myself, throw it away?
Thank you in advance Pastor Susan.
Hi Linda
Wonderful to know that you are interested in learning the Lamrim. Do a search on major online stores such as for the titles you listed as they might carry the books. If you can find a Dharma Centre near where you live would be very good.
In regards to water offerings, yes, you may give to your pets or dispose it off anywhere except in the toilets. ANy other sink in the house such as kitchen is fine.