Question asked by Lucas
Here are the questions that bother me:
1. I decided to do the daily practice on Opening Eye Chenrezig (Migchey Chenrezig). My motive was to gain wisdom which comes through "divine eye", or "wisdom eye". I also wanted to get out of suffering cycle (samsara), but rather as a long-term goal. Is my rather selfish motive ok?
2. I noticed that I became angry, when someone wants to interrupt me during practice mentioned above.
Am I becoming more negative, or does my mind is going through purification?
3. Also, I don't repeat OM MANI PEME HUNG, but OM MANI PADME HUM. I like that sound way more than others. Is it ok?
4. Sometimes I feel that my practice can sadden, or anger someone, or some beings. Is it just my wrong view? Does the wishes for all beings to be happy can be bad? Maybe it sounds stupid, but I sometimes feel like that, being sorry that I could disturb someone else's suffering.
5. My faith in Chenresig/Avalokiteshvara was losened, when I read article about it, as a buddha who acts maliciously, that Chenresig prevents others from attaining full enlightenment, forcing people to take vows which they won't be able to fulfill forever. For example: vow to don't become fully enlightened until I cease suffering all of beings everywhere.
This man says that he is in contact with God, and that he has realized Divine Eye. He said also that by using mantra OM MANI PADME HUM practitioner gets attacked by nagas or other beings who want to do harm. This man told me, that my soul is one of Karmapa (Yeshe Dorje) who lived during VI Dalailama time – maybe he wanted to brainwash me?
Can you shed light on assumptions like these? Were in history also people who stated similar things?
I feel really disheartened. I am simple lay practitioner who still walks in the dark, and follows blindly almost everything.
6. Is it ok to learn from various buddhist schools? I like to read or listen to Theravada lectures, but I also like Dzogchen, and tibetan buddhism in genereal. I like Dalai Lama talks, Tsem Rinpoche inspires me too.
I read that Lama Tsongkhapa studied all these paths, so is it right for me if I'll follow his example?
7. I find also interesting observations in books that are non-dharma. Psychology books, but also partially even in new -age books. Although many informations in them are wrong, some has relevance to me. Is it wise to include them as a sort of another viewpoint?
8. I still find joy in sensual pleasures such as listening to music. Should I stop ding things which makes me happy, and simultaneously don't make unhappy someone else?
9. I am also a little bit attached to sort of superstitions – I wear by myself gemstone called sodalite. I read about it's metaphysical properties and I do keep wearing it, hoping to be better person in daily life. I also practice sort of meditation which aims at clearing, stabilizing and bringing back harmony to my own body and aura. Sort of good wishes directing towards myself. Is it right to follow things like these?
Thanks in advance for answers
Dear Lucas,
1. Wishing to be out of samsara is good. Practise with the good motivation to help others also to leave samsara.
2. Overcome your anger. Learn to be patient and kind to others.
3. It is OK.
4. Wishing for all beings to be happy is good. This is called loving-kindness. We must also wish for others to be free of suffering. This is compassion.
5. Chenrezig can never be malicious. In fact bodhisattvas delay their enlightenment because they want all sentient beings to be enlightened first. How kind is that? Don’t listen to those who disparage the buddhas and bodhisattvas. It is not important who you were in your past lives. What is important is what you do with your present life. Are you a kind person?
6. It is all right to study the different traditions to gain knowledge but for our personal practice, we have to choose one tradition and one guru. If we mix different traditions, we will become confused. Lama Tsongkhapa was a great scholar, meditator and philosopher who studied with teachers from various traditions. But this does not mean that it is advisable for us to study with different teachers also. Remember that Lama Tsongkhapa was a manifestation of Manjushri!
7. Be wise in your reading of non-dharma books.
8. Be wise in your actions. Attachment to sensual pleasures are hindrances to one’s practice.
9. Do not be superstitious. Only practising the Dharma will make you a better person. Find a good Dharma centre, attend Dharma classes and learn to meditate properly to transform your mind.
It is very important to follow a qualified teacher. If you find the teachings in this blog useful, please continue to log in and learn. You will only benefit from it. I hope you find the answers helpful. May you overcome your confusion and find real happiness.