Question asked by Martin B
Hi dear Rinpoche! Can I ask you please what you think about this: it is said that People who have consumed ayahuasca report having massive spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight as how to be the best person they possibly can.
Isnt interesting that it heals miraculous sometimes?
Thank you for your answer in advance!
Dear Martin,
No doubt there are outer substances we can take that alter our states of mind/consciousness to open up or see more or ‘understand’ more. But whatever externals we take only can bring us to a short term level before it has side effects on our body. And we may even need to take more externals to increase or sometimes to maintain the experience.
When we engage in Vispassana or single pointed meditations, it can give us the same effect with no side effects at all and the increase of our levels of consciousness is permanent and do not need external factors to induce it’s usage. Manjushri practice indepth is excellent for this.
I hope this helps.
Much prayers, Tsem Rinpoche