Question asked by Melvin
Dear Rinpoche,
I am planning to take the Solitary Yamantaka initiation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Long Beach in May. However, I have never received teachings from His Holiness and I have only read some of his books and watched/listened to some of his video/audio teachings. This is the same situation in regards to yourself for me.
How do you enter into a Guru-disciple relationship with a Guru u have never physically met or received teachings from? Do u wait till you physically meet? ty
Dear Melvin,
Beatiful question. I have just posted a talk on Yamantaka ( )on this blog today. Please listen to it. As for relationship with your teacher, please read THE 50 VERSES OF GURU DEVOTION by Ashvagosha. That should help you very much as it did me.
I am most excited for you to recieve this very sacred initiation from a sacred master. I wish you TREMENDOUS LUCK AND GOOD FORTUNE. Please go all the way with your practice and read up on the commentaries on Yamantaka AFTER THE INITIATION that is available in English. There are quite a few now.
Consistently do the Yamantaka retreats, meditations, rituals, offerings daily, hold your bodhisattva/tantric vows carefully always. Learn up on the Fire puja, retreat procedures, self initiation of Yamantaka also. Important to be very consistent with this practice. You will reap tremendous benefits.
May you and Yamantaka become one and indistinguishable.