Question asked by Michele
Thank you for ansewring my question. I have another question for you. As I mention in the first questions I have no guru who lives near me so I have to learn meditation on my own and it is difficult. It took me a year and a half to learn the simple breathing meditation and walking meditation. I daily say Om mani padme hum everyday because it is a great desire in my heart to help all sentiant beins. I have a book on the Vajrasattva practice and I find the visualization part quit difficult I can visualize buddha and Milareapa but the whole vajrasattva discription is confusing. Am I trying to do too much right now? I also realize if I read the stories of a buddha or guru I get a much clear vision of them. Do you know of any books on Vajrasattva's life I can read.
Dear Michele,
The best way to learn meditation is from a qualified meditation teacher. Find out whether there are meditation centres nearby. Or sign up for a meditation retreat. Do continue with your recitation of OM Mani Padme Hum as it will benefit you very much. As for the Vajrasattva practice, don’t worry about the visualisation if you can’t do it well at the moment. The Vajrasattva practice is a practice in which one visualizes the Buddha Vajrasattva and recites his one hundred-syllable mantra, specifically used to purify negative karma. Vajrasattva is one of the Dhyani Buddhas or spiritual sons of the Adhibuddha. Since he is not a Manusibuddha (a mortal Buddha who has lived on earth), he does not have a life story, for example, like Buddha Shakyamuni. I suggest you also learn a simple sadhana like the Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa. Do watch the videos and teachings of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on Lama Tsongkhapa on this blog. It will be very beneficial for you.