Question asked by MK
Dear Rinpoche,
Hope you are feeling better from your shoulder pain..Would like to ask abt Setrap Practice.
Can Dharmapala Setrap practice assist the practitioner to gain enlightenment? At this point in time we are only doing the short daily Setrap sadhana at home. Actually we have no intention of seeking any higher tantric practice until we are ready for it and of course granted by Rinpoche. Any advise on how to improve our practice Setrap?
Dear MK,
Definitely Setrap practice can help you toward enlightenment. Setrap took a vow in front of Shakyamuni to do just that. Those of us who practice Shakymamuni’s teachings will do very well by Setrap for sure.
To improve your Setrap Practice:
1. Attend the dharma talks by students in Kechara.
2. Go on the youtube to listen to past dharma talks I have given if it suits you.
3. Read the WHEEL OF SHARP WEAPONS carefully once a week as a practice.
4. Volunteer in one of the 13 depts with a motivation to do dharma work and do not judge anything, just observe how your mind thinks.
5. Do not miss Setrap puja. Attend religiously.
This is how you can improve for now. I am happy with your question.
I am happy for you that you have connected with Setrap.
Tsem Rinpoche
Yes I am better today..thank you for asking..also today I am able to type more. Past few days was not able to type much due to pain. How lucky I can have pain for KWPC.
I have been getting wonderful treatment daily from Dr Jiang. He is also VERY GOOD when you have the flu…