Question asked by Neto
Dear Rinpoche, many thanks for my refugee ceremony on the last Vesak day. It is a honor to take refugee from you. I have a question related to anger. What is the best approach for both sides on a partner relationship when one of the partners has deep anger issues, that comes from a huge life baggage that the person is still carrying, and is used as an excuse for several misconducts. What is your advice for: 1. The person who has anger issues, on how to deal with it and see how much it affects his partner 2. The person who has to deal with his partner's anger issues, and how to preserve himself and help the other person to deal with his anger in a better way I have been chanting Lord Setrap mantra a lot to bring relief. Please, advise.
Dear Neto,
What you have said is very general and I do not know you or your partner well, so I cannot go indepth.
But what is important is you have to change, transform and make leaps and bounds. When your partner see this, it might influence them to ask you more, find solutions and get help.
Being with angry people is very difficult because it’s like walking on glass always. But if you truly love this person and the feelings are mutual, then be patience and work through it.
Please start with your personal most difficult traits and start transforming yourself. When others see this, they perhaps will be inspired…
I wish you success. TR