Question asked by No one of any value whatsoever, what matters is the Inner Buddha.
Message for HE Tsem Rinpoche
Tashi Delek
Your message on YouTube “what really matters at the end of Life”, is true and direct but it lacks Buddha and Christ compassion. The message is 100% valid but the manner it was given when digested by those not yet asked for nor received empowerment, will view it like a gun pointing at their head. Without purification their aggregates interpretation will lead them further away from the dharma. Their thoughts can say “that wasn’t very pleasant, let’s get back to family, jobs and friends. At least the experience is more enjoyable”. The style of used in that lecture is better served for inner teaching. For more advance students. Forgive our tone, we have others well being in our heart. Can be reached at for any reply.
Thank you for your comment. The video which you have referenced is only a short clip from a longer teaching that was given by His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche many years ago. In attendance were new students, and long-time students, hence Rinpoche shared the Dharma in many ways during the teaching. The Dharma itself can be taught in multiple ways: those that are attractive to people, but also those that jolt people out of their samsaric ways of thinking. The teaching by Rinpoche recorded in the video was the second type. As you have said, the teachings that Rinpoche gave were 100% correct and according with the Dharma. But not all of the Dharma is meant to be attractive. This also accords with the teachings of the Lamrim, which we follow. The first topic of meditation in the Lamrim is death and impermenance, which is one of the foundational meditations on the Buddhist path and necessary to contemplate before moving on to higher topics. This in itself can be very emotionally problematic for a lot of people, and may put them off the Dharma, however is extremely importance. Hence, there are many reasons why Rinpoche may have chosen to teach in this specific way, of which we are not of the ability to judge. However, as students of Rinpoche, we make Rinpoche’s teachings available so those who have the affinity to be moved or transformed by such teachings are able to do so. I hope this helps. Thank you.