Question asked by Om namo amitaba
Hello Pastor.
I am planning to do Vow of Silence for one month. I will Isolate myself in my room, I will not talk to anyone, no Internet, I will eat only vegetable and do meditation. My main goal for this is to control my mind.
Now, do you have any advice before I start doing the Vow of silence? What do you think should I focus on? Any advice? Thank you
Thank you for your question. We are very glad that you are going to engage in this period of contemplation for one month. In addition to things that you have mentioned, which are all very good, you need something to focus on during your one month retreat. Here is an article that might be of interest to you:
We would suggest two things. The first is focusing on a Buddha-deity and engaging in their practice and mantra recitation, with offerings etc.
Here are some deity retreats we commonly engage in:
> Tsongkhapa Retreat Instructions (
> Dorje Shugden Retreat: A powerful practice to fulfill wishes (
> Instructions for Tsem Rinpoche’s Name Mantra Retreat (
The second is to read Dharma books, and contemplate the Dharma in your life. For example, you can use Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand (available here: ). I hope this helps.