Question asked by Phurbu Dolma
Respected Rinpoche,
I am Water monkey born in 20 aug 1992 , with mewa 8 and my partner is Metal Sheep born in 21 november 1991, with mewa 9. Are our stars good for marriage according to tibetan buddhism . please help us knowing is our relationship will succede or there are any problem ?
I will be waiting for the answer.
Thanking you in advance.
Dear Phurbu Dolma,
Thank you for the question. Unfortunately our Mewa calculator does not include compatibility between partners. However, our Chinese Zodiac page has a relationship compatibility calculator, which you can find here:
As you may be aware, Tibetan Astrology includes the Chinese Zodiac, and is known as the Ngatsi system within Tibetan Astrology. I hope this helps. Thank you