Question asked by piggy
dear rinpoche in the name of medical science millions of lab animals are genetically bred to suffer horrible diseases and cruel experiments.for every medical/surgical treatment available millions of rats,rabbits, pigs,dogs have been sacrificed.this is a terrible karma we are all a part of and yet unless we can say no to all medical intervention when we are sick it would seeem so hypocritical to be anti vivisection . what is your advice on this ? thank you.
Do your best to counter all this karma by going Vegetarian if you are not. Promote animal welfare. Start a animal sanctuary. Start a powerful blog site on this issue. Use social media to bring awareness. Educate others by various means to save and be kind to animals. Live your life for saving these poor beings from being harmed.
Use Medicine Buddha as your main Yidam to achieve this.
These would be good action dharma to counter some karma and create new karma.
Talk is good when action follows…is how I feel.
I thank you for wanting to do something for animals.