Question asked by Priskila Wang
Hello, I want to know what is Dharma? I'm Christian and I want to know much about Buddhism because of my great grandmother was origin from China. Since I was a little girl I like to read many books about Tao and Buddhism. I never get the point of view about it. I wanna learn more about my ancestors religion. Can I know it detail? thank You
Dear Priskila
I’m glad you wish to know Dharma in detail. This can be accomplished only when you put in the effort to study and learn Thus, Rinpoche and the Kechara Organization have made available teachings on the and for us all to learn the Dharma.
In Buddhism, Dharma is the teachings of the Buddha. He accomplished ultimate liberation and these teachings show us how we can also attain the same state when we put this teachings into our lives. We can only practice ones we study the teachings.
You might want to read this blog post as a start.
We have books available in as well. I’d recommend you to read this book