Question asked by Reza (Karma Sherab)
Dear Rinpoche
Please accept my prayers for your health and long life.
I've been practising in South Africa for 6 years, having very little contract with other Gelugpa practitioners other than through video/audio lectures, books and Lama Zopa Rinpoche (my introduction to the dharma was a course at Kopan monastery).
I practise Gaden Lha Gyama each morning, study and meditate on the lam rim in the afternoon and practice Vajrasattva in the evening.
The thing is, I've lost taste for worldly life – relationships, career, friends, etc. and have a strong desire to dedicate my life to the dharma.
Rinpoche, do yo have any advice?
Dear Reza,
Thanks for your prayers.Can you be more specific? You mean you wish ordination? TR