Question asked by sheilagh mercer
tsem rinpoche: metione for me to Learning all the Medicine Buddha pujas would be PERFECT FOR ALL ANIMALS. If u do the Medicine Buddha practice daily, He said that All my dogs wear special blessed Manjushri pendants And to contact Pastor Susan and then he said ….I wish you luck since you are a fellow animal lover…Tsem Rinpoche
I also like know how to do a puja for creating the communities accordig ot Yogini Barbara Joy ( she is on face book) It is called The Medicein/Wind/Horse Community where we bring the horses and also help other animals , wher people ceom and ecologically friendly jhouses are Built. Having harmony here , pure land , also for the teachers who ceom and Star antios or otehr soiritual teachers a place to rest as well. How can I do soemthing a puja or spiritual practice towards manifest one of thes comunities or more, how can I help to have this created.Thank you so much Blessings Sheilagh
Dear Sheilagh Mercer
I have the compiled information for you. Kindly provide me your email address.
best wishes
Pastor Susan