Question asked by sonam
Hi. If any of these question seem suitable, I'd be happy to see your reply. If they aren't wise, please just forget about them as they weren't mean to harm anyone.
1. Is there anything wrong with blood donor in accordint to buddhist teachings?
2. Is there something wrong in not following a guru who disapproves buddhist teachings?
3. Is there something wrong to not follow a guru, who is tied to us due to past lives karma?
4. Is there possible that certain guru must be our only one in current life? Can we follow and chose the other guru, seeing as we doesn't approve certain actions and values which he represent?
5. Is it wrong to quit the certain buddhist tradition, due to unwise actions of teachers and 'valued students', even if we have incarnation ties related to it?
6. Is there a way to release guru, yidam or dakini on who we practiced in past and don't wish to practice in now, since we found practice which seems fit best to us (there's no obstacles on practicing certain guru yoga)?
6a Simply – is there a way to put an end to certain practice, without facing consequences of breaking commitments, samajas or vows related to certain practice?
7. When facing strange meditative experiences which seems to affect the external world; should we enjoy or fear those results, or should we simply practice normally, day by day?
8. Is it wrong to do a wrathful practices, when unwise people or spirits are trying to harm us in any way? Or is it wiser to practice loving kindness and forgivess for them?
9. Does loving kindness and compassion can make us 'losers', as we're not defending against attacks of people/spirits, and our life is becoming more tougher?
10. Is there anything inappropriate in using mala made by ourselves, without a "guru" bead?
Dear sonam,
We will answer the following questions:
1. There is nothing wrong about donating blood. It is meritorious.
2. If you are a Buddhist and have taken refuge in the Three Jewels, one of the commitments is, “not to go for refuge to teachers who contradict Buddha’s view, or to Samsaric gods.”
4. If you have taken refuge with a certain guru, it is only appropriate to seek his/her permission if you wish to follow another guru.
8. It is always wiser to practise loving kindness and forgiveness.
9. Loving kindness and compassion will make you a “winner”, not a “loser”.
10. Yes, we can use malas made by ourselves, without a “guru” bead.