Question asked by Sonia Aparecida Fonseca Santos
Good Night! Please! I need help urgently! Everything is going wrong in my life and I'm losing everything! Much love Buddhism and especially I fell for Vajra Yogini. Is there any Mantra that I can do? Some Puja at home yourself? It seems that something bad is accompanying me and do not know how to solve. Thank you. My email is, and my full name is Sonia Aparecida Fonseca Santos, I was born on July 13, 1955, live in São Paulo, Brazil
Dear Sonia,
I don’t think reciting mantras and doing pujas at home will make your problem go away. In Buddhism, we believe that all our unhappiness and suffering come from causes we created ourselves, either in this life or in previous lives. It is important to understand the causes of our unhappiness in order to deal with them. I suggest you join a Buddhist centre in your area if there is one. Read Dharma books, attend Dharma classes and learn how to transform your mind. There is a wonderful prayer called “Eight Verses of Mind Transformation” by Geshe Langri Tangpa. Read it everyday. I will send the prayer to you by email, with the commentary.