Question asked by Spencer
Dear Rinpoche,
If one does not practice well on Vajrayogini after his/her initiation, does this bring to any side effect beside than negative karma?
As far as I know Buddha once did mention that all his teaching should be like a glass that everyone can see through and explorer as nothing is hidden. But why Vajrayāna Buddhism tend to have things like secret initiation? Please enlightenment me dear Rinpoche
Dear Spencer,
I will answer in brief, as I have answered these questions a few times before and it is on this blog…
1. After any initiation if you do not practice well you can shorten the work and life of your lama.
2. You can create karma that in the future, when tantra is taught, you will not be receptive nor understand.
There are many results…you should study the tantric vows thoroughlyl to understand very well. It is very important to understand the tantric vows in it’s entirety. I very much hope you would.
All Dharma is clear/transparent like glass and can see through, but not everyone’s glass is clean and clear to see through although the teachings are perfect. The tantric teachings are not secret for negative reasons, but transparent for those who are ready by hardwork, holding their vows, giving up attachments and realizing impermanence.
I wish you luck. TR