Question asked by sunflower
Dear Rinpoche, thank-you for all the time you take with these questions. .I wonder if it would be ok to ask this. A while ago, you were saying, I don't hurt people, I just tell them things that hurt' I can really see this. it seems when you say something, even something which might hurt- or be straightforward, it doesn't because it's possible to see your heart. and that you mean only to help, and be benefit. My question, is what about when this happens within a Buddhist context, but that is not obvious, and it only causes the person on the receiving end. a great deal of pain.
Dear Sunflower, If it hurts them more than benefit both short and long term, then we let them be. Letting them be, does not mean we have abandoned them, but just the karma isn’t there to help at the time. Thanks TR